Educators act ethically and maintain the integrity, credibility and reputation of the profession.
As a teacher candidate, I have always made sure to be respectful and professional in class, outside of class, and in the classroom. I make sure to arrive on time (well in advance) for classes, workshops, and practicum. I am generally on the more quiet side but when a red flag does pop up, I make sure that it is addressed in the most professional manner. As individuals we will not always agree with one another and that is completely okay but it is important to speak our mind and allow others to be heard. However, it is essential to do so in an ethical manner. I always value everyone’s opinions even though I may not agree. Also, if there is an issue, I make sure to talk to that individual privately to clear the air. As an educator, it is my responsibility to respect people, place, and land.
In one of my classes, I created a case study based off an experience I had in my first practicum. This case study shows how protocol was followed: